Bangkok Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. 曼谷曼谷是泰国首都。
Bangkok, the capital of the Thailand, is located at the region of the Chao Phraya Delta. It is the political, economic, cultural and educational center of Thailand. 泰国首都曼谷,位于湄南河地区,是泰国政治、经济、文化和教育的中心。
A surge in capital flows in the wake of the global financial crisis has led emerging countries, including Brazil and Thailand, to impose controls amid international tension over "currency wars". 全球金融危机后资本流的激增,导致巴西与泰国等新兴国家在“货币战争”引发国际紧张之际,实施了管控措施。
We spend two nights in the state capital of Loikaw, before moving up into Eastern Shan state, the Golden Triangle region bordering northern Thailand and Laos, where we travel to ethnic Wa and Akha villages. 我们在首府垒固(loikaw)呆了两个晚上,后来转入了东部的掸邦(shanstate),即和泰国北部和老挝接壤的金三角地区,在那里我们游览了佤族和阿卡族村庄。
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, it is a city with thousands of Buddhist temples. 曼谷是泰国首都,有着数以千计的佛寺。
The United Nations has cleared an area at an airport in the capital of Thailand for transporting aid to cyclone survivors in Burma. 联合国将泰国一个机场的一个区域清理出来用于将救援物资运输给缅甸遭受飓风的灾民。
The capital and largest city of Thailand, in the southwest on the Chao Phraya River near the Gulf of Siam. 泰国首都和最大的城市,位于暹罗湾附近的昭披耶河(湄南河)西南部。
Jocelyn: Bangkok, which is the capital of Thailand, is surrounded by gorgeous palaces and temples. 泰国首都曼谷,那边到处都是辉煌华丽的皇宫和寺庙。
The capital and largest city of Thailand; a leading city in southeastern Asia; noted for Buddhist architecture. 泰国首都和最大城市;东南亚最主要的城市;以其佛教建筑闻名。